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- CorrArt -

The Work of Art and the Mass

There was once the manuscript for the scholars and academics; there is now the book for everyone.
Once classical music existed only for the elite, now there is pop for everyone.
Once the Arts were to surprise, and it was mainly for the insiders, in the future the Arts will be for everyone. This is the time.

Until recently the Arts, especially modern Art, was too complex for an immediate perception and too far away from the mass. The crowd doesn’t fully enjoy its effect as the Arts are too sophisticated. Being the outcome of its own history, its understanding is by its very nature, intended only for the insiders.

Theoretically available to everyone, the Arts are lived and appreciated only by the elite that follows, recognizes and studies it. Because of the communication era we are living in this will soon change and the Arts will finally reach everyone. In the past the Arts were the expression of years of training and technical refinement as well as inspiration and genius; nowadays you don’t have to be good craftsmen to make art. Today can someone really say to know where the technique ends and where Art begins? Where craftsmanship ends and Art begins?

In modern times, Art is the expression of will. The internal desire for communicating. In these modern times, how will the Arts break through to the mass? how can will the mass access the Arts? And who becomes judge to decide whether the work is a work of Art or not? Currently there is a system of direct and indirect relations. In the future it will be determined by those who will actively participate, most certaintly on the Internet, social media networks once they come in touch with it, in fact they will already know!

What is correlated art (CorrArt):

Anyone who has done an Artwork in the past and has tried to imitate, and improve an existing artist and or a previous art technique, they have instinctively correlated it to other things. All the existing Art is Correlated Art. I have simply observed a phenomenon.

A "Correlation" is to put together two or more things.

An Artist Correlated to another Artist, each for his/her own share of ability.
It is the Artwork seen as an item placed in relation to the new times, with a new artist.
And this way brought to the attention of others. Combining each other there is Correlatism. For example if I take the Mona Lisa and somehow include it in my Artwork I have taken Leonardo Da Vinci's point of view and processed it, making it "mine". I repurpose his great work of Art and do work in which I taken these repropose his art and the world, this time from my point of view. E 'already' been done by many others.
And art?

When I suggest to others, perhaps through the Internet, regenerates the audience, producing new and numerous "experts" who may become lovers, perhaps even encouraging them to begin to engage them in" proper "art, related to those before him have tried and maybe they will after him.

Art Correlated born to make them feel able to try, without an inferiority complex, triggering a process perhaps inevitable: exiperrealismo, exfuturismo, exespressionismo, expopart, exrinascimento, exvedutismo, their story becomes ours, their art becomes ours, and possibly of all. The art of mass, the Correlatismo.

All Artists! and it possible? Comply with certain rules. Which? Doing "work. That will work 'in conjunction artists ancient and modern, old and new acts, alone or in cooperation with the only signs that over time damage the awareness of being an artist : to create works!

Questa e' la Pubblicazione nel Registro delle Opere di Arte Correlata a disposizione di tutti gli Artisti che aderiscono a tale Corrente e che desiderano utilizzarla.

I vantaggi per chi Pubblica le proprie Opere sono evidenti: promozione e diffusione delle Opere di Arte Correlata, Archiviazione Virtuale dell'Opera, Certificazione di Autenticita', protezione contro la imitazione e la contraffazione.

La Pubblicazione e' gratuita.


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